Discovering the Jewish Jesus Latest Show
Discovering the Jewish Jesus Past Shows

Discovering The Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider
Deep Revelation From the Book of Ephesians Season 2: The Riches of Glory
Deep Revelation From the Book of Ephesians Season 2: The Riches of Glory
25:01Feb 07 -
Deep Revelation From the Book of Ephesians Season 2: There Must Be Justice
25:01Feb 06 -
Deep Revelation From the Book of Ephesians Season 1: Humanity's Biggest Need
25:01Feb 05 -
Deep Revelation From the Book of Ephesians Season 1: Step Into Your Identity
25:02Feb 04 -
Deep Revelation From the Book of Ephesians Season 1: Before the Foundation of the World
25:01Feb 03 -
Father Understands Our Weaknesses
04:11Feb 01 -
Life's Most Important Question: The Accuracy of Scripture
25:02Jan 31 -
Life's Most Important Question: Who Am I?
25:04Jan 30 -
Life's Most Important Question: The Foundation of Life's Greatest Question
25:00Jan 29 -
Decrypting the Book of Revelation Season 5: Return of King Jesus
25:01Jan 28 -
Decrypting the Book of Revelation Season 5: Armageddon
25:01Jan 27 -
God Has Always Loved You
04:28Jan 25 -
Decrypting the Book of Revelation Season 5: Preparing for the End Times
25:01Jan 24 -
Decrypting the Book of Revelation Season 4: Timing of the Rapture
25:02Jan 23 -
Decrypting the Book of Revelation Season 4: Mercy and Justice
25:00Jan 22 -
Decrypting the Book of Revelation Season 4: Seven Bowls of Wrath
25:01Jan 21 -
Decrypting the Book of Revelation Season 3: 21 Judgments
25:02Jan 20 -
Demonstrating God’s Love
01:46Jan 18 -
Decrypting the Book of Revelation Season 3: Horsemen of the Apocalypse
25:00Jan 17 -
Decrypting the Book of Revelation Season 3: The Scroll
25:00Jan 16
Discovering The Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider
Join Rabbi Schneider as he shares revelation today inspiring a brighter tomorrow.
About Discovering the Jewish Jesus
Discovering the Jewish Jesus aims to transform lives by delivering the pure Word of Jesus (Yeshua) with clarity and power, emphasizing the prophetic connections between the Old and New Testaments. By teaching the Biblical Jewish roots of Christianity, the show empowers believers to deepen their faith and walk in greater union with God.
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An Interview with Rabbi Schneider
Listen to KBRT’s very own Mike Triem interview with Rabbi Schneider.
What Listeners Say

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Rabbi, It was a great midnight hour when I discovered your ministry on the radio a couple years ago. Thank you for the many resources you send: CD's, your book, newsletters, and Shofar. All excellent & utilized... Your takes adds a layer of valuable truth to our Monday Bible study.

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Rabbi, your teachings have brought life back to a heart that had grown cold. I have recommitted my life to Yeshua. I am a monthly partner with you because I feel that you are indeed a servant that many believers need to hear.

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I found Rabbi Schneider and that was the day my life truly changed. I felt an overwhelming sense of truth, peace, and comfort in his teachings. The Lord used Rabbi to change my life, my wife's life, and my daughter's life. I truly value your ministry. I still learn from you every day. For the past year, I have been a monthly partner with this ministry.