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Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs

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Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that just believing in Christ is good, but even the demons believe. Real faith…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that on a personal level, what is our statement of faith, and does it…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that Christianity is a faith that “does”. Christianity is practical, usable, and the world…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that mercy is not giving what is deserved which is exactly what Jesus would…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that we might consider ourselves as being good. But God doesn’t grade on a curve….
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that wealth can go to our heads, and affect our hearts. Having wealth is not…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that if we dishonor the poor, we are dishonoring God, who doesn’t value earthly wealth…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God does not see as man sees. Man looks at the outward appearance, but…
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that partiality damages the cause of Christ. We often rush to judgement based on appearances….
Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God does not judge based on our social status, wealth or appearance, but evaluates…
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